Our thoughts

  Event No event Total
MiracleCureTM 20 80 100
OldBoring 60 40 100
Total 80 120 200

The natural way to express this data is as percentages of the population experiencing the event, or to establish the "risk" of an event occurring. These percentages may then be compared to assess the size of any difference between the groups. One way to do this is to look at the difference in the proportion in each group. This is a good way to get a handle on the size of the benefit. For statistical analysis, and especially meta-analysis, however it is more convenient to calculate the ratio of the two risks.

20% of participants recovered on MiracleCure compared to 60% on OldBoring.

An extra 40% recovered on OldBoring.

Three times as many participants recovered on OldBoring.

Click the link below to move on to Binary Outcomes Part 2.