The units used were cost per QALY. In table 4 on page 2547 both discounted costs/QALY and undiscounted years of life gained are shown.
One can see the ICERs
- Glycaemic control $41,000/QALY
- Control of blood pressure $-2,000/QALY
- Control of cholesterol $52,000/QALY
It is important to realise the minus in the $‑2,000/QALY for hypertension is because there are cost savings and increased QALYs, that is the ICER falls in the South-East quadrant (comparator is dominated). A minus would also occur due to greater cost AND fewer QALYs (and the ICER then would be in the North-West quadrant - not the case here).
The ICER is also presented for different age groups.